Friday, November 10, 2006

what smell do you leave behind?

One day this week I was waiting to get on the elevator at work. I was going down to the first floor to pick up our mail in the mailroom. A man in a suit walked out of the elevator. As I walked by him and on to the elevator, I smelled wintergreen gum. The whole elevator smelled of the mint gum. I thought it amusing that one person and one stick of gum could leave that smell behind. That's when I wondered what kind of smell I left behind. Sometimes I smell like formula if the baby spits up on me.

Smells certainly get people's attention. If I asked you to name someone that wears heavy perfume/cologne, I bet you would have no trouble naming them off. We all know some guy that smells like he bathed in cologne. When I pick NJ up at the nursery at church, he reaks of ladies perfume. He gets a new scent each week because a different lady holds him each time. I smell the perfume all day on him if I don't change his outfit.

I hope I leave good smells and not bad smells.


  1. I find it interesting the colognes and perfumes that some people choose to wear. If I am going to be remembered for having a smell, I want to make sure it is not a pungent one.

    That's part of why I don't often wear cologne.

  2. I thought this would go another direction! :) N and I were out today when I gave her a shocked looked, she immediately laughed and said "It was the guy who just passed us, not me! HONEST! :)"

    All I know is in our family what "smell you leave behind" is not usually associated with perfume and cologne! :)

  3. On that note, don't you hate it works out that everyone thinks you caused the smell and you didn't? I was standing in line at Blockbuster about a month ago and some kid in front of me left a smell then walked out of the line. I am sure everyone who lined up behind me thought I caused the smell.

  4. I was hoping someone would mention the bad smells. I try to leave those when noone is around.

    A guy held NJ today in nursery, so he didn't smell like perfume or cologne for that matter.

  5. There was a hall at college that was reknown for it's smell. At the time, Obsession was big and the smell lingered, and lingered. You'd even smell it on the sidewalk where they'd been walking. I got where I didn't like it.

  6. Anonymous7:58 PM

    By the time I'm on my fifth or sixth scented product while getting ready in the morning, I often wonder exactly how smelly I'm becoming. Shampoo, body wash, mousse, hair spray, deodorant... I should start buying one brand of all of this stuff, so at least I don't have to combine so many smells.

  7. I don't think I ever noticed that you smell. I guess that's a good thing
