Tuesday, November 07, 2006

independent thought

I was telling Dust the other day that I don't think that I have ever had an independent or original thought about anything. Maybe it's because I'm apathetic about almost everything. I have an "I don't care" attitude. I know that's bad, but it's hard to change.

Dust was laughing because at my job, independent thoughts are discouraged. Usually those would be encouraged at a job. My boss doesn't take well to new ideas. He has said no to almost everything that my co-workers have asked.

Maybe I have a hard time thinking outside the box. With accounting there isn't much outside the box thinking unless you refer to "creative bookkeeping". ( "Sure you can write that item off.") I love rules and I love staying within those rules. I find safety in what I know to be true.

I always had trouble in school when an assignment asked why you thought what the answer was. Somehow I always got marked wrong for "I don't care". : ) I always knew the answer to the question except when they asked why it was so. Maybe my legalistic upbringing had an effect.


  1. I can see how legalistic upbringing would have an effect on that, but I still think personality has the most effect on that. I think some people will always embrace rules and structure while others will run from them.

  2. Golden has plenty of original thoughts about the stuff she cares about. She can be quite creative when she is "on."

    I think that sometimes it is easier to just go along with others' original thoughts, though. :)

    I do think the legalistic upbringing had a little to do with it. Her personality did too. This was because it involved Golden's people-pleaser personality with Golden's Mom's desire for Golden to agree with her.

  3. Yeah, I tend to go along to get along externally, even if inside I'm thinking, nuh-huh no way. People pleaser problem there...also harking to a Dirt post. Birth order. I try not to rock the boat even if some part of me wants to flip it over.
