Thursday, October 12, 2006


My grandparents are coming to visit this weekend. My parents are driving them up here. They live in Michigan, but they drove down to where my parents live to stay with them for awhile. My grandmother also has a sister that lives in that area and they were going to stay with her also.

This will be the first time my grandparents see NJ in person! They can't wait to meet their first great-grandchild. This will also be the first time for them to see our house. And the first time for them to visit our church. So, on Sunday we will be going to the first service-the traditional one. They have stated how they hate contemporary services. They can't stand up the whole time and they don't know the songs.

I hope the weekend goes well.


  1. Do they bring you special treats when they come?

    I love grandparent visits.

  2. I hope the weekend goes well too. :)

    Golden's grandmother likes to print out peoms and stories and hand those out.

  3. My kids LOVE grandparent visits! I am 33 and I've never had grandparent visits really, not even as a kid. Talk about raw deal. :)

  4. BTW--hope you have fun with your family and I hope that they enjoy first service! :) I'm glad you're getting this time with them.

  5. We actually went to 2nd service-the contemporary one. My parents and grandparents stayed at a hotel and they wanted the time to enjoy the free breakfast. The 9 am service was too early for them. They wanted time to check-out of the hotel also. They didn't say anything about the worship. They did enjoy the missionary sermon though.

  6. They must have been the only ones who enjoyed the missionary, because I thought he was painful.

  7. Hey I resemble that comment Forrest!

    We seem to always skip church when we have company. It's a good run around day without taking a day off work. Church used to be all in Spanish so I didn't push that on anyone, but now they translate the sermon into English. Just plain hookey now. But we always have fun with company.
