Sunday, October 15, 2006

candy corn

When I was a little girl I loved eating candy corn. My grandma always had candy corn around her house and I always ate it there. For the last few years, I have noticed that my grandma keeps giving me candy corn as gifts around the holidays. I never understood why. I had forgot that I loved candy corn as a girl. She still thinks that candy corn is my favorite thing! I don't have the heart to tell her that I 'm not crazy over candy corn like I used to be. My grandparents told Dust this weekend that Golden's favorite candy is candy corn. And they asked him what his sweet tooth was. : )

There is a particular way that I like to eat my candy corn. My OCD habit is to try to bite down on each individual line on the candy corn. I eat the white top of the triangle first. Then the orange middle, and last the yellow bottom.


  1. When Golden sees her grandparents she has a supply of candy corn for a while.

  2. Roamer loves candycorn as well. I never liked it so much. I remember my grandfather giving me those pencil-thin tootsie rolls. Good memories...

  3. Yumm. A couple of weeks ago, I picked up a bag of candy corn and pumpkins. We always get a couple of bags to last us thru these oct/nov holidays.

    The way I eat them is to grab a handful and toss them in my mouth. I am very systematic about this method.

  4. Golden, I do exactly the same thing with my candy corn .... and though T assures me that candy corn and candy pumkins are made of exactly the same stuff, I'm convinced that the corn tastes way-better.

    I never did like those pumpkins.

  5. I am brand loyal to candy corn and pumpkins. I had a hard time understanding why sometimes I liked them and sometimes I didn't until I realized there is only one brand I like. Yes, I like both. They are a little different...but not enough to pick one over the other, in my opinion.

    I sometimes eat them like you mentioned Golden, but I eat the yellow first! :)

    So, what is your favorite candy now if your tastes have changed?

  6. I like SweetTarts, M&M's, and Reese's peanut butter cups.

    I prefer the corn over the pumpkins. They do taste a little different.

  7. Someone just mailed us a bag of Candy-Corn. Now we'll get to introduce them to all of our Romanian friends (if roamer will let me...)

  8. If it's not chocolate, then it's not worth the calories.

  9. Funny - candy corn was a favorite as a kid. I still enjoy eating them in order - color by color, but whole too. I like a little candy corn but if I have a large quanitity it is likely to thrown out after Thanksgiving. I'm getting to be more like Doc - chocolate is always was more appealing. Not getting candy corn here though, I'm excited about sharing the little packets with friends who don't know them.

    Absolutely the pumpkins are not the same! : )
