Monday, September 11, 2006

my trip to see my parents

I am overjoyed at the bonding that NJ has had with his Grams and Gramps so far. Gramps has walked NJ around the house when I needed a break in the morning to take a shower. Grams has rocked him in the recliner and given him some bottles. They love to make over their grandbaby.

I have gotten some needed sleep since I have been at my parents house. My meals have been made for me. I feel really spoiled.

We went to the restaurant that my brother works at on Saturday. The cajun food was pretty good. My brother was our server, and he came and sat down with us for a second because he only had one other customer.

We might go to SDC later this week. I can't wait! We will also visit some friends and family and show off NJ


  1. Sounds like so much fun! Have a ball and enjoy the time you get to be pampered! :) YAY sleep!

  2. which resturaunt did you get cajun food at??? that almost sounds more fun than Lamberts

  3. The cajun was good. The restaurant is relatively new and is called Easy's.

  4. Okay, I can't think of it. What's SDC?

  5. I just thought of it, now that I hit publish, Silver Dollar City. Or as someone once called it, Steal Your Dolalr City. With fall temps coming on that would be a lot of fun! Enjoy!
