Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Labor Day weekend

I loved the Deanna Rose Farmstead when I went last Thursday for Mops, so I decided to show Dust and Miss Carisma what it was like. We have pictures of NJ in his stroller asleep by goats. I can't wait until he can have a pony ride or go fishing in the pond. The weather was awesome.

We found a 50-75% off sale of baby clothes at Penney's. Aunt Miss Carisma wanted to spoil her nephew NJ. He got a cute onesie that said chick with a magnet picture. : ) His Grampa will love the brown camoflouge outfit with a moose on it.

It was great having Miss Carisma entertain NJ while I slept or did housework. She was great at keeping him from crying. She did a lot of walking him around the kitchen which he seemed to enjoy.

This afternoon NJ has his 2 month shots. DTP-Tetanus, Pertussis. He won't be a happy camper tonight. Remember us.


  1. Aunt Carisma and NJ got along great. I think they were mutually entertained by each other.

    He is still a little feverish from the shots. :p

  2. I had "shot ESP" when I was a couple three years older than NJ. That blank look my parents had as we pulled out of the driveway always had me pointing fingers and crying at them before we got to the doctor's office.

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The farmstead was definitely a great place to go. The pictures turned out very nice!

    How traumatized was Nathan by the shots? I didn't want to leave... but I am kind of glad I didn't have to see him go through the the shots!

    He's going to change so much by the time I see him again!

  4. I hope NJ didn't have a hard time, but honestly, who has an easy time when being stabbed and poked at? Hope you have a restful night tonight.

  5. He did better than I expected.
    He was a little feverish last night. Today he has been kinda fussy. We have sat outside twice and paced the house up and down.

  6. I remember being told I would get spanked on my shot after throwing a fit in the doctor's office...I don't remember the fit, but I remember the threat. I about bit through the mat on the table for next shot...I was 4 though!

  7. They get over the shots real quickly.
