Tuesday, July 18, 2006

please pray for my daddy

I got a call from my Mom around 5 pm today. She said that my Dad had been vomiting all day and had pain in his lower left back. They had a doctor appt. at 3 pm and a urinalysis showed that he is passing a kidney stone. My Dad was given a shot for the pain and was sent to the emergency room. My Mom said that the emergency room was packed. She wanted me to start praying. She said that she was unable to use her cell phone while there and that she would call me back later when they knew more.

It is 8:20 pm right now and I haven't heard from my mother yet. I will call soon and leave a voicemail because I am sure she had to turn her cell off. My father has never been admitted to the hospital before and he is very rarely sick at all. This is very weird. My Dad has hardly ever taken a sick day at work. I wish I could be with my family right now.


  1. I hope you have heard how he's doing. I know it's difficult to not be with family when things are happening beyond our control. I'll be praying for him.

  2. The dr. did a cat scan on my Dad to find the location of the kidney stone and size. It was small enough for him to pass on his own without surgery. He left the hospital at 2 am last night. He has to urinate in a strainer now. They found another kidney stone still in the kidney that will come out at sometime in the future.

  3. Ouch! it sounds painful. I pray all goes well and smoothly.

  4. Things must have been pretty bad for Golden's dad to go to the hospital. One stone is bad enough...

  5. Stones are suppose to be one of the worst pains for guys to experience. That was one of the first illness type things I remember my dad experiencing too. I like you was far away both times he had one. A lot of us share that being far away from people we love at important times. (Like us with grogan this week) Prayer is a good comfort for those ill and for us too. So is knowing someone else is there who will take care of them.

  6. Any updates? how's he doing?

  7. The last we heard he still has ocassional sickness, but he has some medications for the pain. He did not go to work all last week and I think it is still up in the air whether he will go to work this coming week.
