Sunday, July 23, 2006

over the weekend

NJ had his final weight check on Friday. I had to keep taking him to the doctor until he regained his birth weight. Last Monday he was 6 lb. 1 oz and Friday he was 6 lb. 4 oz. I am glad to be done with those doctor visits and glad that NJ is gaining weight.

Also on Friday we had a new front door installed. It looks a lot nicer than the wood door with the window we had. We also got a new storm door. The main door is stainless steel, white, with a silver doorknob. NJ slept through all the noise of putting the door in. He was fussy however when I had to pay the guy. A woman from church was over at the house and she held him for me. She had brought supper over for us and had come to sit with me for awhile.

Dust and I took NJ to Chipotle with us on Saturday for lunch. This was our first visit to a restaurant with the baby. We took the stroller in and pulled it up by our table. We also took NJ to Home Depot with us. On Sunday, NJ got to go to Target. We were down to one diaper left!


  1. That's so cool! I remember the first trips out, they are fun! I bet you are glad you are getting back into a regular routine! :)

  2. Els had a poopy diaper today. I changed it.


  3. NJ has a habit of pooping in two or three good pushes rather than just one. I usually delay changing him immediately, or I have to change him twice.

  4. oh yes ... it's much better to wait (and smell) then to have to wipe twice.

    N was particulary good at faking us out.

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    That's it - start NJ shopping early! :o)

  6. He's still at an age when you can take him to dinner. Our kids won't sit well at a restaurant unless it is McD's
