Thursday, January 26, 2006

some observations

I was driving by the mall when something caught my attention on the other side of the street. There was a woman dressed up in an "Uncle Sam" costume advertising for Liberty Tax Services. Do they really think that is a good marketing idea? I wouldn't take that company seriously to do my taxes. I drove by another time and a lady was dressed up as the Statue of Liberty. People dressed up in costumes is a good marketing idea for a carnival or fair, but not to advertise income tax services. Talk about unprofessional.

One time Dust and I were driving home from church and we saw a man on stilts on the side of the road. I figured that some kind of fair was going on. No, he was advertising openings in an apartment complex. Who is actually going to see the man and think, "Wow, I want to live there." Finding an apartment to live in is a major decision. I don't see how the guy on stilts is going to get people to come in and rent an apartment.


  1. Yes, but you now know who offers tax services and who where those apartments are. They gotcha. Brilliant. It is stuck in your head and you even wrote about it. The marketing worked on you, just think of all the other people who noticed. And think of all those who acted upon it because they don't want pick what's easiest. Brilliant!

    Now if we could just get someone to dress as a burning bush to stand outside our church.

  2. Or better yet - to be relevant - maybe we could put a giant King Kong on top of our church hanging on to the steeple. I would definately check out that church.

  3. I guess the marketing worked with brand recognition. I recognize the fact that I won't go there.

    Doesn't the Extreme Makeover sign in the yard make you want to come to our church? : )

  4. Tax help and balloon animals all in the same place!

  5. I'm always amazed at how many accountants seem to come out of the woodwork every January-March. Not that I personally do the Taxes....but it seems to be pretty easy to do it yourself with all the software available. Still I'm not to sure that mr and mrs liberty are going to find that special deduction that I missed. I hope the folks inside are more the boring-read the tzx code kinda people.

  6. Anonymous12:41 AM

    ... Please stand by for a public safety announcement .....

    Pop Quiz: When you are driving a motor cehicle, you should:

    a.) watch the vehicles around you for unanticipated hazzards.

    b.) try to see how many colors you can smell with your eyes closed.

    c.) visually review (and critique strangely dressed business school graduates that appear to be more qualified than the everage git-n-go employee only during the 1st quarter of the year.

  7. Ha, ha, ha--hey, what do you mean with that business school crack?!

  8. I have nothing but the utmost respect for business school students (and graduates). If not for them, how would we ever get to make fun of someone that, "whould have known better". I myself, remain blissfully ignorant of all business concepts. I have no degree, therefore I have no accountability to be right.

    ... if only that were true.

  9. So I'm NOT the only one who wishes the church "Extreme Makeover" sign would disappear?!

    ....just so you know, if that happens, it wasn't me! :)

  10. Think we can make it dissappear and blame it on the youth?

  11. I noticed on Sunday that the "Extreme Makeover" label is right above the church service times. We could definitely blame it on the youth. People will notice it gone though.

    I wonder if we have had a visitor come to our church thinking that the church was going to be on the "Extreme Makeover" tv show?
