Monday, January 23, 2006

not a "finisher"

I am embarrassed to say that I have trouble completing things. I always thought that I was a finisher. Dust brought me into reality and showed me the things that I haven't finished. Here is my list of books that I started reading but never finished: a George W. Bush biography, Shout to the Lord devotional book, The Hobbit, a couple of pregnancy books. I started reading Pride & Prejudice over Christmas but have not finished. I read one chapter of "Searching for God Knows What." I do want to finish that book. I am going through two baby names books.

I started a scrapbook several years ago and quit after a while. I stopped taking pictures.

What confuses me is that I always have a "to-do-list" going and I love to check things off on it. Maybe I should put the books that I am reading on the "to-do-list." Maybe then I will finish my books. Maybe I just have a problem with reading and scrapbooking.


  1. I just thought of this. Why don't you create a to do list for each book where each item in the list is a chapter in the book?

    Not trying to be a problem solver. Just trying to find a way to get an extra thrill during the day by having one more thing you can check off a list.

  2. I have to confess, I don't finish books well unless it is on my list. Often when I sit to do it so many other things are neglected. Since the books hardly ever the only thing on my list, that creates a problem!

    I do like dust's idea! Sounds like a man with a plan! I just would never have the patience to write a list that long with all the chapters listed out like that!

  3. 32 years list-free and lovin' it!!!

  4. Wow,I tend to start and finish a book when I get a new one (depending on the type of reading it is). T laughs at me because I always have to have something to read and my little splurge is a Grocery Store $2 Magazine. When I am reading something...all life seems to stop and I don't get anything else forget about a list...I wouldn't even be able to finish putting things on it...LOL!

  5. T, I think that Dash would if he were allowed to do it in spreadsheet format, though. :)
