Thursday, November 17, 2005

the little varmint

This morning was trash pick-up day. I always put the garbage out in the garage until pick-up day so it doesn't stink the house up. Also, because Dust has a sensitive nose and I will hear complaining if I don't. I picked the sack up and took it through the living room because I had decided to go out the front door. I should have just pushed the garage door open and gone through that way. I placed the sack on the linoleum entryway and went to get my coat. I thought I heard the trash move and just figured it was settling. I picked up the sack and opened the front door! Aack! There was a mouse! I screamed and opened the screen door and it bolted out the door. It all happened so fast! I can only assume that the mouse came from the garbage sack. It must have ate a hole out of the sack somewhere or climbed through the top hole.

I put the sack at the end of my drive-way. When I was going back into the house, I saw the mouse outside. It was drowning in our sea of leaves trying to make it to the surface. It pressed up against the outside wall of the house. It wanted back in! No way! I was worried when I opened the garage door to leave for work. I thought the mouse might try to run back in. There might be other mice in our garage!

How funny that gigi is having a mouse experience also.


  1. That would totally creep me out. I am glad I am not on trash duty at my house!

  2. The one job Autum has and she doesn't follow through on it. If it came from the garage I understand, but she has free reign over the rest of the house.

  3. How cute! Poor little guy stuck in the leaves.

  4. You should have released the cat

  5. A dachsun (sp?) wiener dog is better than most cats at ridding a home of varmints. No playing around, just ruthless efficiency.

  6. It's the cold driving them indoors.

    Recently, my friend called and said she had caught a mouse on the glue trap. She refused to get it out and throw it away...because he was still alive.

    So,, "the mom" came and got it out of her kitchen for her. She is standing by the entry way screaming/squealing...and I am the one who was disposing of a wiggly mouse!!!! LOL!

  7. Kill them or there will be 27 or 28. Forrest and I fought them in our homes two or three years ago... (I made a new post finally)

  8. Oh my word! No way! how gross! I would die!

    Our little maria is no where to be found! The exterminator came and put those peanut-butter scented sticky traps in several places but still... no dead maria... We haven't seen her running around either... so I don't know what the deal is. Maybe me and Ty terrorized her so much that she escaped...
