Sunday, November 20, 2005

another mouse??

Today I noticed my cat sitting outside the door leading into the garage. She never sits in that spot. It got me thinking that she must be smelling a mouse on the other side. I decided to open the door and let her go out into the garage. She started pacing around the trash bags. There was obviously something behind there. Dust moved the bags around to make room for Autum to get behind them. She guarded the trash bags. Maybe the mouse was actually inside the garbage bag like last time. I kept checking on her hoping to find a dead mouse. Nothing.

I decided to turn off the light in the garage. I thought that a mouse would be more likely to come out in the dark. I checked on Autum again and no dead mouse in sight.

I think that I am going to start a ritual. I am going to encourage Autum to go out in the garage on week nights and hunt for varmin. I am always going to make sure that she comes out of the garage though. I had a cat die once when it climbed up and hid underneath/inside our family car. We started the car and left for church. The cat couldn't hold on from wherever she was underneath the car and we ran over her. We had only driven down the street from our house. Very sad.


  1. yes a cats favorite spot (according to my dad) is under the hood of a car, it's apparently a very warm spot for them in the winter. He's always told us to be careful because of that (They usually have cats.)

  2. I'm telling you....get the sticky mouse-trap!

  3. hmmmmm ....

    1 little varmit + another little varmit = lotsa mice!

    Does Autumn have any freinds that can come over and play?
