Tuesday, October 25, 2005


A couple of weeks ago, Dust and I watched the documentary Comedian with Jerry Seinfeld. It was interesting to see what a comedian goes through when preparing for a show. Apparently, it is not a good idea to start out with new material. Most everyone agreed that you should start your routine with an old joke that is known to get laughs. Once the crowd is warmed up, then you can bring in new material.

Some of the comedians interviewed were: Colin Quinn, Orny Adams, Bill Cosby, and Jay Leno. It was cool hearing some of them talk in a bar or a casual environment. It felt like you were hanging out with them.

I was surprised that Jerry Seinfeld was nervous at several of his shows. This was taped when he had just come back into the comedy scene after leaving his sitcom. He started getting his feet wet again in some clubs in New York. We got to see him go through the process of being comfortable doing routines close to an hour.

I was able to see one of Seinfeld's "long" shows in person a couple years ago when he was in the area. I laughed so hard that I cried! I had tears streaming down my face the whole time. It was definately worth the money I spent for the ticket.


  1. That sounds like it would have been a lot of fun. I like the comedians you mention (the ones I recognize.) My biggest disappointment with comedians are so many of them have a raunchy show. I like good clean humor. Jerry's great at making even the not so clean not as raunchy as some!

  2. A lot of the material in Comedian was "blue" (raunchy). Interesting perspective on entertainment, though.

  3. Seinfeld's comedy routine that we saw in person was relatively clean. I don't remember anything raunchy in it.

  4. Seinfeld brought so many things to our culture. I LOVE the "I don't have a square to spare" episode. I a memorizing anatomy and the "spongeworthy" episode helped me memorize the bulbospongiosus. (Don't ask, I've now overshared!)

  5. Isn't it great when you splurge for something special and it turns out great. I once splurged on concert tickets at whatever they call that outdoor concert place in WY Co these days...bad seats. Very disappointing, though the music was fine.

  6. I'll have to add this one to my queue.
