Sunday, October 30, 2005

bad attitude

I have been struggling with a bad attitude about things. It has been going on for many months now. I come from a family of complainers so it comes easily to me. I am annoyed by complainers, yet I am one myself. Sometimes certain complaining can be funny, though.

Over the summer I got an attitude whenever I found out that I had to bring a side dish to any event. For some reason every event at the church requires you to bring a side dish. I decided that my side dishes would always be potato chips and cookies. : ) I hate making any type of food to bring to any event. I just got finished making a double chocolate mousse dessert for Dust's work Halloween party tomorrow. When I made it, it didn't look like there was enough. So I went to the grocery store to buy another packet of jell-o pudding filling. I thought I had enough cool whip. After putting the mousse in the bowl, it still didn't fill the bowl up. So, we decided to go back to the grocery store for some more cool whip to top the mousse with. It looks presentable now. So much hassle and agony over a stupid dessert. I remembered again why I don't like to make dishes. I feel so inept in the cooking department. And the creative department..


  1. At the very least I like Golden's cooking.

    At first glance it may appear that Golden is uncreative, but that would be an incorrect assessment. Golden doesn't like to brainstorm, and that cuts her out of part of the creative process, but when presented with a specific issue, she often comes up with a spectacular resolution. Case in point, a couple of years ago my Halloween costume was the OfficeSpace "Jump to Conclusions" mat. That was her idea.

  2. I'd agree with dust that I've heard you give ideas that are creative. But if you don't like to brainstorm I could see why you don't feel creative.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    At the mandatory "Potlucks" where my dish is usually untraceable and faceless (who can account for all those green bean casseroles?), I've actually thought about doing one of three things:

    1. Do what you already do - check the block and bring chips.

    2. Bring a horrible potluck dish - intentionally bringing something hideous (canned, boiled asparagus) so that the other dishes look very act of love considering some of the potlucks I have been to.

    3. Bring the anti-potluck dish - like Fu Fu in the hot pot (West Africa) and leave a note explaining where it is from, what it is eaten with and how to dip it out. If you are like me and see yourself as "enduring" potlucks rather than enjoying them, it is great entertainment to watch people's faces as they read my note.

    I suggest you bring it in incognito with a bowl/plate you do not intend to retrieve.

    Hey, if you have to suffer, you might as well have some entertainment.

  4. My mom gets very upset if she takes something to a potluck and it doesn't get eaten completely. One time my dad took me to a father/daughter potluck thing for girl scouts. My dad dumped the leftovers from the crockpot in a dumpster before we went home so that my mom wouldn't be upset. She was so excited that it all got eaten! If she would have sent chips, we wouldn't have had to be deceptive!

  5. I think most of my problem is that I'm lazy. I am also insecure about my cooking.

  6. ...don't like to brainstorm?

    Isn't brainstorming the same as thinking or a process of thinking...and that is something we all do, right?

    If you hate the side dish you should rebel and bring a main dish - that'll show them.

    Isn't B.A. Sunset a charactere on the A-team?

  7. When I say Golden doesn't care to brianstorm I am simply saying this... she doesn't like to focus on an issue for an extended period of time long enough to come up with ideas that might be considered creative. If you only think about the topic for a few minutes, then you are going to be more limited in the volume of "creative" ideas you get.

  8. I wonder what it will be like at potlucks when our generation is the oldest one represented? Will a new love for cooking come about or will we just all have chips and salsa with Pizza for the Thanksgiving meal!

    I'm all about a bag of cookies and chips, because I too don't like to cook for others. I use to be like Seminole's mom, I want it all gone, the cookies/chips thing cured me of that too!

  9. doesn't like to focus on an issue for an extended period of time long enough to come up with ideas that might be considered creative.

    ...but isn't that the genius of brainstorming - that you don't focus on an issue for an extended period of time rather you give yourself the freedom to let go and explore other issues off the cuff.

    I don't know if brainstorming has anything to do with creativity as it does with exploring all your options and then choosing the best. Sometimes the first idea is the best and sometimes its the worst. If you stop exploring after the first idea, who knows what you'll end up with???

    At least that is what I was taught about brainstorming, it might mean something different to everyone else.

  10. It's not that I mind cooking, but potlucks are so difficult. What do you bring that actually makes your time worth the effort? I don't want to drag home, cold congealed something that I now won't eat. What a waste. Plus it's usually Saturday - who wants to cook on Saturday anyway! We need an easy solution to the potluck dilema! I like chips and cookies. I feel bad though because my mom will do something like cook 2 briscuts because there's never enough meat... no way to live up to that one!

  11. Yum!
    I love pot lucks.

  12. Wow. All of these comments! I really don't know why Dust said that I don't like to brainstorm. I have never said that. I think I really do have attention deficit.

    Forrest, you are right that brainstorming is not focusing on one issue. I like the A-team but I don't remember the characters names.

  13. I really don't know why Dust said that I don't like to brainstorm. I have never said that.

    ...I tend to get in trouble when I try to define my wife.

    B.A. Sunset meet Mr. T - B.A. Baracus.
    Bad Attitude Baracus.

    I sometimes find myself with a BA.

  14. Anonymous12:22 AM

    I'm a little worried about the day when I can no longer get away with being the too-busy-to-cook-college-student when church and work potlucks come around. On Monday at my other job (the non-school job) everyone was supposed to have signed up and bring in food for lunch. But I'm the intern! So I got away with not bringing in anything. It did cross my mind . . . but I was up until nearly two the night before doing homework, so I decided I could deal with the social stigma of being the freeloader - I needed sleep!

    I will never criticize any food you make - or for choosing not to make! I'm far worse when it comes to food preparation - I make just about anyone look good in that area.
