Wednesday, August 17, 2005

upscale meals

Have you ever felt the need to go to an expensive restaurant when a special occasion arises? Or if you have some extra money and you want to go out to eat. Once you are at the restaurant and look at the menu they usually don't have much of a selection. The vegetables are usually steamed or barely cooked at all. It is usually some weird vegetable like an asparagus and all the time I keep thinking that I am eating Junior Asparagus from Veggie Tales. I usually comment on how it is luke-warm and I am going to spew it out of my mouth. I prefer vegetables to be cooked not raw. The mashed potatoes usually don't come with gravy. I should be excited that I am at a classy upscale place. The atmosphere is always enjoyable but the food leaves something to be desired. The types of food and arrangement usually come across stuffy and snobbby-if you can attribute those characteristics to food.

I have realized that I would much rather eat at a mom and pop's diner than a place like J Gilberts. I want to feel like I got a good deal moneywise on my plate of food. If I don't eat anything on my plate at an upscale place, what is the point of going there? I have buyer's remorse when I spend $20-$30 on my meal alone. Does anyone know of a good diner?
(How was that for pessimistic?)


  1. I am the same way. I get buyers remorse if I spend a lot on my meal. I like cooked veges not raw. I will say that smoke filled dives are not fun for me to eat in either. I like my restaurants like dash likes where he lives. He proudly states he's a midwest boy. I am a midwest diner. I like clean sit down restaurants that have reasonably priced food. Not too fancy with small portions of uncooked things. Not to greasy (food and location) but just middle of the road!

  2. I prefer my veggies steamed or raw. I like the crunch.

    We rarely spend big bucks on dinner, but if you are to go to a fancy place it does help to know the menu ahead of time so you can know prices and what's served. It helps out with the buyer's remorse and you are not disappointed buy not finding anything to eat. A lot of menus are now on-line.

    I prefer the cheap hometown dinners too. Try Town Topic or Bluebird Cafe. Their is the corner restaurant in westport or the westport fleamarket (has great burgers). Any of our wonderful local BBQ joints.

  3. dang, i keep messing up my their, theres today. bad forrest, bad forrest. THat's what i get for not proofing.

  4. I agree. I do not enjoy going to the fancy banquets that have white tablecloths and so many utensils that the table is crowded. Yes, I know table etiquette, but the place settings run into each other that someone ALWAYS picks up the wrong fork! And the food is some tiny piece of dry chicken with flowers or such to make it pretty! After all the college banquets I attended, I just wanted to head straight to Steak-n-Shake!

  5. Yeah, Dust pointed out that I typed que instead of queue. I swear I have seen que before.

  6. I think you saw ((que)) in Spanish class. :)

    I don't like to sound hyper-spiritual (because I certainly ain't), but I always liked Prov 23:1-3.

    "When you sit down to dine with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are a man of great appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for it is deceptive food."

  7. Are they now greens and yellows?

    Dust, how many rulers do you eat with. When it comes to sand volleyball, I think people are calling you the ruler.

  8. I measure my plate before every meal to make sure it is big enough, so one.
