Thursday, August 18, 2005

last one picked

Do you remember picking teams for sports in P.E. at school? The P.E. teacher would pick two people to be team captains and off started the picking. I always prayed to God to please let me not be picked last this time. It did happen on occasion, but for the most part, I was usually the last person picked. It was so embarrassing standing in the line-up while being "checked out" by the team captains. It can really affect a person's self esteem. I was always relieved when the coach decided to number off everyone in choosing teams. I wouldn't have to go through that humiliation for that day. There was one time when I was the first to be picked! But that was because my best friend was the team captain. Wow, what a thrill that was!

My elementary and junior high school P.E. experiences were always coed. That made things worse. The guys would always say, "Come in closer, Golden is up to kick," when playing kickball. That made me so mad--I wanted to kick that ball in their face! I was almost always out at first base. Guys making fun of how weak I was has really scarred me from playing any sports at all. I usually got yelled at in volleyball because I didn't go after the ball or attempt to hit it. I felt like there was so much pressure put on me.

Well, I am no athlete and I am ok with that. Sports isn't everything. Maybe they saved the best for last. : ) (Wasn't that a cheesy song?)


  1. Given that I was almost always the smallest or next to smallest boy in the lineup, I tended to get picked near the end, too. I didn't like it much, but if I was ever decent at any sport it always gave my team a slight advantage. I never understood why large and slow guys would be picked ahead of me for games like dodgeball, because large and slow is the opposite of what you want in a team member.

    What really frustrated me was one time in fifth grade when we did a Jeopardy-style game in health. I had the nickname Einstein at the time (not because of my hair) so I assumed that people would recognize that I would be a good person to have on their team. I was still picked in the bottom half of the class.

    I don't get no respect.

  2. My teacher had a system where there wasn't usually the same people last all the time, but I know what you mean, it would get further and further down the line and every body else is on the other side now except you and a couple of kids that you're thinking...come on I'm a better choice then Tommy. Sometimes they would agree, sometimes they would not. Last place stinks.

  3. We had enough people for 3 teams at volley ball on Wednesday night. Someone suggested we have captains pick teams. you could see the horror on some faces, so we numbered of 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3...

  4. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about! The same phrases were said except for a name!

    The other thing about being one of the more "petite", was I always HAD to stand on the front row in choir! Didn't matter if it was church, school, or college! I can always be found on the front row, right, about 3-4 in from the end. (That means there were a couple that were still shorter than me!)

  5. Jadee, I was always on the front row for class pictures and for choir in school. When you are on the front row, everybody sees your entire body and outfit. I hated that. If you were in a higher row, usually people only saw from the neck up.

  6. As a former LKP I share the pain...

  7. Wait a minute ... you guys actually got picked??? I was always "given" as in .... " you can have Dash, I'll take so-n-so ..

    BTW, sorry for getting so behind in my comments. If Dust didn't mention it yet, I din't mean to delte your comment .... i was tring to delete spam.
