Wednesday, August 31, 2005

school lunches

Do you remember what your favorite meal at the school cafeteria was? Mine was burritos. In elementary, the beef and bean burritos were awesome! They always served cheese sticks with them and I always loved them too. In Kindergarten, we had cheese sticks for snack time. (I had a full day of Kindergarten)

I remember one time the lunch lady monitor made everyone clean their plates. I had bought my lunch and that day they had peas for the veggie. I hate peas. So, when the lady wasn't looking I stuffed the peas in my milk carton.

In high school, we had the option of the pizza bar. I usually had pizza if I was buying my lunch. My friends liked to bring their lunches, so I started doing that with them. I usually did what was cool at the time, whether buying your lunch or bringing it from home. My mom would sometimes pack me chips and candy, so I became real popular with the guys when I was in elementary school. I usually couldn't eat all of it, and if someone asked I usually gave it to them.


  1. All this time and Golden still hides her veggies when she eats.

  2. Those were the days ... nearly every meal had tater tots. We ate fish on Fridays and salsbury steak on most Tuesdays.

  3. Don't forget Sunday lunches back at Evangel days!!! CHICKEN STRIPS! But it really was the best meal of the! Especially when we had a bag of popcorn for dinner on Sunday nights because we were so broke! =D

  4. In elementary school on wednesdays was my favorite. It was called Taco Crunch. It was like a taco salad. They were all pretty good -burritos, pizza, nuggets, turkey and mash potatos. Or maybe, I am only remembering the good ones.

  5. I rarely bought my lunch...but I didn't mind (being the picky eater that I was...) In elem, I would usually manage to get someones bread and butter when they had that. It was yummy! My fav was pizza in HS, one slice = $1.00.
