Sunday, August 28, 2005


During the sermon last week at church, I pulled out the hymnal and looked through it. I have a problem with tuning out sermons sometimes. Especially if I have heard it before. I tried to see how many hymns that I recognized and started singing them in my head.

Why are the hymnals still in the rack behind the pew if we never use them? Do some of the senior saints still use them in the first service? The first service occasionally sings a hymn, right? I wouldn't mind singing a hymn every now and then for some variety. I did grow up on them so I don't want to totally disregard them now. My two favorite hymns are "It is well with my soul" and "Blessed Assurance." I like a lot of other ones too.

My parents occasionally go to the "Wilderness Church" at Silver Dollar City on Sunday mornings for service. I can imagine being in the log cabin church with the big window overlooking all the trees. Everyone is singing hymns out of the hymnal on the old wood pews. It reminds me of Little House on the Prairie. My mother said she always leaves feeling refreshed and at peace. Sounds awesome to me. I wouldn't mind experiencing that. Call me old fashioned again.


  1. 1st Service does not use the hymnals. If we sing Blessed Assurance ... it's up on the powerpoint. If any of the saints are using the hymn books; they do it from memmory - no one calls out a page number.

  2. Don't they put the hymnal number up on the power point? They used to.

  3. hmmmm .... I don't know - I never look at the screen.

  4. They used to put the number up, not sure now. I would often use the hymnal anyway at those times. Sometimes I don't want to look at everyone, I want worship to be me and God and that's easier with a hymnal or a song I know well and I can just close my eyes. I haven't seen a hymnal since I've been here. My favorite is also It is well with my soul. We sang a neat rendition of that in High School choir, my teacher did a fantastic piano composition with it. Several others come to mind, Great is thy faithfulness is a good one too.

  5. I always liked He lives growing up. "I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today.....He LIVES..." I loved how it would go up on lives, everyone would sing louder and higher, I thought it was cool the first time I hit the right note as a kid! Personal triumph. I also grew up with "Because He lives" By the Gaithers. Which I confuse for He Lives occasionally! I still like both songs, but He Lives is my favorite!

  6. Blessed Assurance and Great is thy Faithfulness are my two favorites.

    But It is Well with My Soul always did the trick for soothing my oldest to sleep when he was a baby!

    I sure could use a song about now for myself...or maybe that would be a vicodin???? =$
