Tuesday, August 09, 2005

my sabbatical

I am going to take a sabbatical from blogging. I need some time to go over things that I have already written to make sure that I don't repeat myself. I also need to do some brainstorming.

When I looked up sabbatical in the dictionary, it referred to a sabbatical year. I definately won't go that long. What am I saying, I will probably be posting again next week or tomorrow. Other bloggers take sabbaticals but don't realize it or let anyone know. Sabbatical also comes from the Sabbath rest. Why don't you ask Dust his opinion on the Sabbath rest?


  1. Hope you still take time to read...I am back for a while and can take your place? LOL!

    I blog in spurts, depending on what is going on in my life at the time. I will look forward to reading yours when you are back in commission!

  2. At least I'm up to once a week again. Dust - PLEASE blog about Sunday Sabbath. I sense an intense time around the blogging campfire with this topic, and you seem to hold the lighter fluid... Also - ever wonder why blog topics usually hit you three at a time and you choose one and then there's nothing for days and days?

  3. We'll miss your blogs, but we will be glad to have you back when you rejoin us---in a day, a week, a month, or even a year. We'll be here for you!

  4. I love how you and dust blog about not blogging...?

    Come back soon, I look forward to reading yours.

  5. Tell you what, I'll blog about Sunday Sabbath on Sunday.

    I think Golden is pulling our legs. I'd bet she posts before Dash or BB posts again.

  6. I bet she posts before dash reads/comments to any blogs again!

  7. Ok ... now you all are just being mean. Apparently, I'm going to have to kick it up a notch to stop the arrows flying.

    I've tried going for substance over frequency, but I guess that's not good enough **sniff**.

    prepare for the march of the mudane.

  8. Dash,
    I have enjoyed your blogs of late, they have been real good with lots of substance. Keep it real. Keep it good!

    I have just ended my one day sabatical and I feel refreshed with a new take on life, love and happiness.

  9. Sometimes you do need to regroup. I think your right, most of us just don't say anything about it. I'm always waiting for something to happen that makes me want to write.
