Saturday, August 13, 2005

"it's like rain on your wedding day"

That song kept going through my head all day. "And wouldn't you know it figured." It was my fifth anniversary and boy did it rain! I was glad it wasn't my wedding day. We had no rain and plenty of heat on that wonderful day five years ago. Our anniversary was romantic in spite of the rain though. Dust and I enjoyed our dinner at George Brett's. We had never been there before, so it was a neat experience for both of us. When we stepped out of the restaurant, the rain was coming down in buckets. We did remember our umbrella and dashed into the Discovery store.

We had a reservation at 7:30 for a "Cinderella" stage coach ride. (Surreys on the Plaza) We walked over to "Surreys" early and asked if they would still be having them tonight. With the loud thunder and lightning I thought it might scare the horses. The man said it would probably clear up by 8:00 and to come back then. I was so excited to see the lighted white Cinderella coach coming down the road a little after 8. There was no rain and it seemed perfect for a ride. Our horse was named Charlie and he did not have gas. No beef-areeno for him. It was sweet of Dust to do the ride with me because I think he gets embarrassed at that sort of thing. It was fun watching the people point at us. All the little girls got excited and wanted a ride too. Dust laughed at the fact that I could have had a princess crown for $10. "Your kidding me," he said. Our "driver" Randy was kind enough to take our pictures in the coach.

My Prince Charming was there and I definately felt like Cinderella.


  1. Ah...that is a wonderful post! Maybe my prince will come!

    I am glad you are back to posting.

    I am also so very happy that you had a wonderful anniversary...with the carriage ride and all! ;-)

  2. Golden may not have smelled anything from the horse, but I got a few choice whiffs.

    Seriously, we both enjoyed the Plaza even with the rain.

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Golden, you certainly bring out the sweet side of Dust!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the carriage ride (sounds like so much fun!) and had a nice anniversary. I think you should have gotten the princess crown. ;o)

  4. I agree, the crown would have been a fun touch, especially if you dressed up for the occasion!

    Glad you guys had a memorable day!

  5. Good to see you didn't turn into pumpkins.

  6. That's my dream date always. The plaza, nice restaurant and a carriage ride. Kudos to Dust for doing it even though he's self conscious. Glad you had a nice night.

  7. A planned special event with unexpected rain and having to adapt to the eviroment when things don't go your way alway create special memories.

    -Sounds like fun.
