Tuesday, May 03, 2005

fear and peace

I have been reading "A Woman's Walk With God," by Elizabeth George. The first 3 chapters are about love, joy, and peace, the first three fruit of the spirit. I have just finished the peace chapter and it has stuck with me. I knew I needed this chapter before I began because I struggle with anxiety. Reading the first page made me more nervous, though. "90% of chronic patients today have one common symptom-fear." Now I am worried about getting a chronic illness because of my fear.

What I need to remember about peace: It is not the absence of problems. It has nothing to do with our circumstances, but everything to do with knowing we have a right relationship with God. "Fear is failure to trust our faithful Father." I need to be more like Mary who rested in God's presence, and less like Martha who worried (Luke 10:41). My pastor preached about that not too long ago.

To cultivate this fruit of the spirit, I will turn to the Lord and pray. I have tried to give my fears to the Lord, but somehow they keep coming back. I will try not to get caught up in fear and worry. I may have to daily release my fears to God.


  1. My favorite verse that I prayed repeatedly to myself during the onset of my divorce was: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

    It is amazing to see/feel the results when you pray Scripture. I will also keep you covered in prayer.

  2. Interesting that I would turn to your particular entry. I'm struggling with that peace thing right now with all that is going on. It was good for me to hear you say these things.

    I've found recently that memorizing some scriptures has helped. When my mind starts down the worry trail, I can stop and try to recite one of my scriptures. It's not a magic mantra or anything, but it helps me see a little of God's reality versus the worry-reality that only exists inside my head. Now, before you think I'm good or something, I have to say this memorization thing has just been in the last few months and it's only a few verses, but it seems to be helping.

    Someone once told me the only way to stop worrying was to quit (worrying that is). I've thought of that often since then...a lot of us walk that fear road.

  3. I am not inclinded to "fear" in the way most people are. I have realized recently as Mr. T and I have talked that we take our "peace" for grantit sometimes.

    However, I struggled with fear in a very real way with my recent health issues. You would think that alone would give me the motivation to tow the line and do everything I can to be better, but I still struggle with making the right choices with my weight loss. It's so much easier to stay the way I am. This is a real battle for me. I don't have the fear that gripped me before, but this lifestyle change isn't easy.

    For me it's an everyday battle and sometimes I screw up, but I am realizing that doesn't mean I have to give up all together. There's a reason that they say,

    "If at first you don't succeed try, try again."

    BTW, I'm not saying that I never have fears or worries. I just had a scare in college--I was giving myself an ulcer (had shingles as a child) and I realized that if I didn't stop worrying it was going to kill me. So I, like you said, had to teach myself to release my fears to God and like our pastor recently said, if you are seeking God's will, you are in God's will. Once I realized that, I was able to accept peace.

  4. Thanks for reminding me to memorize scripture and pray the verses! I really like (2 Timothy 1:7) I had forgotton about it! I usually quote, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Phil 4:13) I know that's a cliche verse that everyone knows, but it still helps me.

  5. There really is nothing more powerful than Scripture...it is the WORD of GOD. Even Christ quoted Scripture to the enemy's temptations/attacks.
