Thursday, May 05, 2005

Favorite '80's sitcoms

Thanks to Dash, I have been singing the Facts of Life theme song since his post. His post gave me the idea to share my favorite episodes of sitcoms from the '80's.

Growing Pains-starring Kirk Cameron. I loved the episode of the prom dance. Carol and Boner (Mike's best friend) were dancing together and they were both worried about what Mike would think. If I remember correctly Carol and Boner started liking each other. Mike was cool with them being together though. I kinda identified with Carol being the nerdy good-girl who got good grades.

Family Ties-starring Justine Bateman and Michael J. Fox. Mallory and Skip were in the Keaton's basement. Skip had a thing for Mallory. They realized that they were locked inside the basement and there was noone to help them out. It got really cold down there so they decided to put on the squirrel/chipmunk costume to keep warm. Mallory realized that maybe Skip was a nice guy after all. I also remember the Christmas past, present, & future episode with Alex Keaton. He saw how their traditional Christmas tree picture got started. They chose the same spot each year by the tree and hung the same decoration.

I enjoyed watching Mr. Belvedere, Silver Spoons, and Different Strokes. None of their episodes really stuck out to me. On the Facts of Life, I remember Jo and Blair always fighting/clashing. Blair was consumed with her looks and Jo didn't care much for that sort of thing. Tootie and Natalie had several fights also. I can't believe that they all shared a bedroom together! It was a nice size if I remember correctly. I also watched the Golden Girls (which I feel ashamed of now). Seeing some old reruns of the Golden Girls I couldn't believe how smutty it was. Most of the punch lines came from Sophia. Blanche was the slutty one.

Maybe this got you reminiscing about 1980's television. I was in elementary school in the '80's, so maybe some of my "well seasoned" friends will remember the episodes in greater detail.


  1. I love going back to the 80's now that I am grown. We couldn't listen to secular music, nor did we have a TV. So all of our exposure was on that seldom occasion we got to sleep over at a friend's house and/or babysit on a Thursday night!

    I LOVE 80's music...which doesn't seem so horrible now that we have hit the double o's!

    You gotta love going back to the 80's movies too...those I am still catching up on! The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen know, the brat pack!

  2. I loved all these shows you're talking about. The Cosby show had an episode where Theo wanted an expensive shirt from the mall and Denise said she could make it for him cheaper. He had on short poofy sleeve, on that came down way past his hand and possibly was closed and half the shirt was super when he tucked it in it kept going and going! I loved that episode! I could relate to Denise's desire to try everything but never really feeling like she fit in. HUM? But I also could relate to Vanessa's abiltiy to make good grades and out wit others!

    Another great episode was on Matlock (just kidding) then there was the time that Jessica went to this one place and there was a murder....I believe she wrote about! How about the Valerie Harper show that killed Valerie off and made it the Hogan family?! Guess she showed them!

  3. My favorite 80s sitcom was a spinoff from Cosby. "It's a Different World" with Lisa Bonet as Denise and Dwayne Wayne, and a stint by Sinbad the comic as a dorm-parent of sorts. Now I'll admit something really creepy: At the time I was watching this show, I'd already finished 4 years in the Army, and used to dream about attending a cool, carefree college campus where I too could wear purple shoulder-padded jackets and cadmuim yellow sneakers.

  4. Jadee, the same stars were in all those '80's movies you listed and it's funny that they didn't do movies in the '90's.

    T, I also loved that Cosby episode with Theo's shirt. I also remember Valerie being killed off the show. I thought that was horrible.

    Dar, I liked Different World also. I thought Dwayne Wayne was always nice/sweet to Denise and I wanted them two to get together.
