Tuesday, August 09, 2011

this summer

This summer has gone by rather quickly. It has been one of the most social summers that I have had in about 5 years. I love that our church has a coffee playground group every Tuesday morning. The kids love the bounce house and having lunch in the coffee shop. I have noticed that Nathan has been more social with the kids at church. He is actively wanting to play with them. I think this makes him more comfortable for Sunday School and Rainbows because he sees the same kids.
We have spent a lot of time at the pool. I enjoyed our Sunday evening swim in July because there was no evening service. The kids loved playing with some of the other kids from church at the pool. Good times.
Last week we went to someone's house for a playdate. Chloe just loved playing with the 3 year old girl. I have been meeting another family for a playdate on Wednesdays this summer. Even though their kids are older; my kids still enjoyed some social play time.
We had our struggles as well. I don't want to dwell on them. Potty training has had it's ups and downs. Chloe is still working on it. Nathan has had some anxiety and other problems that we are working through. I praise God that He will give me the strength to persevere. : )


  1. Your social time sounds lovely. I think this is the loneliest summer I've had in years. I'm sure this hard season will pass for me and I will persevere as will you to new phases of life!

  2. For us it has probably been the busiest summer in years. Looking back, though, I don't know where the summer went.

  3. Tonya1:40 AM

    I'm with you Roaming. It's been a pretty hard season for us too.

    Golden-I'm so glad to hear how this summer has been for you socially. That's exciting! It's great to have friends and time with others just hangin' out. Nothing can replace that-and it definately helps there be a greater desire to be at church when you feel like there is someone to "play" with :), so I can totally relate to Nathan's improved desire as well! LOL
