Sunday, January 02, 2011

I'm back!!

For New Year's I thought I would try to post more on the blog site. A friend of mine told me that she uses hers as a journal. I think I'm going to try to do that too. I use to agonize over every word that I used and would re-write paragraphs. I really don't have time to do that anymore. Starting now, I am going to use a stream of consciousness (sp?) type of writing.
This year I am going to focus on the positive instead of the negative aspects in life. I often stress about things not being perfect. I am going to accept the imperfection to help my nerves.
I hope this year is more stable than the ups and downs of the previous year. The up of last year was going to Maui. The down was Nathan's diagnosis of autism. I will probably talk more freely about autism on the blog because I don't feel like I can talk freely about it in other avenues of my life. Happy New Year to you all!!


  1. Glad you are back. Stream of consciousness is a great way to expand your writing and take the pressure off. I enjoyed my 52 blogs last year and I'm ready to post one this year - even if I don't get to 52! I'm trying very hard to leave perfectionism behind too.

    If you want, you can make facebook bring in your blogs as notes. But perhaps that is too little privacy for what you are thinking.

    I will be intrigued with your sharing about Nathan. I laid out a book on Asperger's once and I've been fascinated to see all the wonderful work with autism since then.

  2. So glad that you are writing again! Looking forward to the things that you have to share.
