Monday, January 01, 2007

1st Christmas

This Christmas was special because it was NJ's 1st Christmas! At Grams and Gramps house he yawned through the opening of his gifts. NJ tried to help out with the ripping of the wrapping paper, though. At Grandma and Grandpa's house, NJ liked putting the tissue paper in his mouth and playing with it. He was getting cranky because it was his nap time so we had to hurry through his gifts.

Grandma had an exersaucer at her house for NJ to play in. It was a circus theme and had different animals sticking up on it. NJ loved putting them in his mouth. There was a seal, elephant, monkeys in a barrel, and a circus tent.

NJ was spoiled by both sides of the family. He got a lot of clothes and toys!

I think next Christmas will be even better. He will be walking around and talking then!


  1. Did NJ start crawling over vacation? Sounds like you all had a great vacation. :) I'm glad.

  2. He didn't quite get to crawling, but he is ever so close.

  3. So glad you had good times with family and a new cause for celebration this year. Each year will be a little different for a few years now!
