Thursday, October 26, 2006


Everyone at one time or another goes through jealousy of another person. I don't consider myself a jealous person though. I usually tend to be genuinely happy for people when they get something that they have wanted. What I want to talk about is other people that have been jealous of me.

I have lost friendships with others because they were jealous of me. I have the tendency to let my friends know all the good things going on with me and hide the bad. A previous friend of mine once told me that she wished that I would have considered her a friend in all seasons whether good or bad. This friend seemed to always have bad luck. She couldn't take hearing all the positive things that I had to say about my life. I didn't want to complain. And I don't brag about things either. I usually state facts and try not to gloat or brag. Also, there are things that are too personal to even tell your best friend.

I have been doing better with letting friends know when I am going through a hard time. I still like to be optimistic and positive about things though. It's a hard balance for me. I guess because I am such a private person.


  1. I'm probably more a jealous person about specific things than a person who other people are jealous of. I could be wrong, though.

    It can be surprising to find out some of the things people are jealous about--things I wouldn't necessarily give a second thought about.

  2. I use to be a jealous person. I've noticed that as I got older and more okay with who I am and the choices I've made in life I am not that way any more.

    I won't say I never look and see something I want that others have but for the most part, I just figure if I want it bad enough I'll find a way and if I don't then it's not worth my time wishing I had what someone else has.

  3. I dreamed last night that Roamer was curled up to some handsome latin dude on the couch and I was in the CHAIR NEXT to THEM!!! I was pretty pissed and pretty jealous (uh.. in my dream) Just goes to show that Roamer turns alot of heads here and I still notice it when I'm awake! HA!

  4. The challenge now is sharing how I really feel versus making everything sound great. Also finding safe people that you can actually be real with is hard here.

    Your story about your friend triggered a 7th grade they needed a little girl in the Junior Senior play and I got picked. It was very cool practising with the older students. Apparently I talked about it all the time because I was so excited. I remember the girls talking bad about me and telling me to stop bragging. It really hurt my feelings since I was so excited and unaware of the bragging they saw. I've been more cautious ever since.

  5. Jealousy...hmmm...this sounds like a 7th grade girls problem. And I am not going to go there.

  6. yeah forrest...guys NEVER deal with jealousy. Only 7th grade girls! :)

  7. Forrest,
    I think it is sad that my twenty-something yr old friends act like 7th grade girls. I thought we were over that.

    People who have had a hard life tend to be more jealous.
