Sunday, August 13, 2006

cry free dinner

Dust and I went out to eat at Olive Garden for our anniversary. We took NJ along with us. We wanted to go to a kid friendly restaurant. Also, a restaurant that wasn't so expensive that people would get angry at us for bringing a crying baby while trying to enjoy a $100 meal.

The hostess asked us if we wanted an infant sling. We both looked at each other and said yes. We didn't quite know what an infant sling was. Apparently it is a "hammock" of sorts for the infant car seat we brought. It worked out great. NJ was awake when we got there but quickly fell asleep. He didn't make one peep the entire time. Dust and I were a little nervous though that at any time he would wake up and start crying. We ate somewhat quickly.

We both realized that it isn't worth going out with NJ if we are nervous the entire time. So, from now on it will either be take-out or find a babysitter and dine in.


  1. It was nice to get out, but I think we'll wait a little while before we try it again.

  2. Yeah, I remember those nice quiet dinners. Unfortuately Nibbles is now too old to sit quietly

  3. But you had a "cry free dinner" which is GREAT! :) Yay NJ!

  4. ps...happy belated Anniversary! :)

  5. Happy special day and happy cry free dinner. I'm sure you'll get the hang of eating out with him too. I saw a lady trying to get an infant to eat in a restaurant over the weekend but the formula seemed to be the wrong temperature. A very angry baby. It was a loud restaurant so it didn't matter much but they left soon.

  6. The occaisional crying baby doesn't bother me that much. On the other hand .... a screaming kid that can form complete sentences really bugs me.

  7. No sense in being nervous the whole time. I'd rather get take out than worry about the kids behavior. Eating out is a treat for us, so I'd rather leave the kids with someone else and enjoy the time. Or go to a kid friendly place that is themed at entertaining kids, but then you are doing it for them and not you.
