Tuesday, June 13, 2006

back to work

Yesterday my doctor took me off bed rest and said I could go back to work. I have to admit that I was a little dissappointed--I was enjoying being at home. Anyway, I went back to the grindstone today. My co-worker had a list of questions and problems for me to answer. We went through each mistake, so now she knows how to deal with it in the future.

I was hoping for a stress-free day. My co-worker is behind on doing my daily tasks. (which is now her tasks) I usually get all the invoicing done on Fridays. She only got half of it done on Friday and finished it yesterday. My boss did the bank reconciliation today and had some questions for me. I told them both that I only could work three or four hours and I ended up working five & 1/2. I was weary and having a hard time staying awake. I finally got out of there and went home to crash on the couch. I had been napping for about five minutes when I got a phone call. My co-worker had another question that my boss wanted answered immediately. I know that I have explained to her how to fix the problem several times. She has even written it down in her notes. The extent of the solution in Quickbooks is Edit, delete payment. How hard is that? My co-worker had entered a deposit twice.

I am hoping for a more relaxing day tomorrow. But, I won't hold my breath.


  1. Wow, they couldn't figure that out? I only used MS office like 2 days and I know how to delete an entry. Sounds like they don't have much consideration for you either. Sorry that's the case, I know you aren't alone and most people have boss/co-worker issues, but even still...calling you right after you got home and started to get some rest. That's not cool.

  2. If nothing else, this will train Golden's boss and coworker to get used to dealing with problems without her assistance. I hope.

  3. Just wait till your leave.

    you'll have to let the machine screen all your calls for a while.

  4. Maybe they will appreciate you more when you do get back....

    But I do know what its like to get calls all the time from work...even when you are sick or on bed-rest....

    When you are OFF on REAL leave...by HR regulations, you are NOT supposed to be doing ANY work...and that means taking calls!!

  5. I just wanted to check in and say hi! I'm glad you're feeling better. UTI's are great at causing contractions. Bed rest is only fun on the first pregnancy. Once you have another child at home, it becomes a MAJOR pain! Magrelo would go grocery shopping and come home with half the list. He said the "cart got too full" so he stopped.

    When I had my first child, work called 4 hours after I delivered her to ask me questions. Unbelievable! Set boundaries now.

    Enjoy the next few weeks as much as you can!

  6. No fun being the fire-fighter watching co-workers walk around with empty pail buckets and deer-in-the-headlight eyeballs.

  7. At least the time off was a good wake up call for them. They will realize how great you are and hopefully will pay attention when you are training them more!
