Thursday, April 27, 2006

secret music

Does the sound of silence ever drive you insane? I never thought that it would but it has recently. Since our company moved into it's own office space, it has been extremely quiet. There is just three of us in the office. My boss is out of the office for the majority of the day. My co-worker and I decided that we needed music or something so that we wouldn't go insane.

Dust gave me the idea of using the Windows media icon to listen to the radio by internet. For the last few days, I have been listening to .977 the Mix. The best of '80's, '90's and today. My coworker has been listening to a "boomer" radio station. We haven't mentioned this to our boss though. He is very controlling and anal and most likely would not let us listen to anything.

Today, my boss left and said he would be back in 30. I immediately turned on my radio station. It had only been 20 when he came back. After he passed my office, I quickly turned the volume off on my speakers. I keep the volume down so low that you would have to be inside my office to hear it. It has been fun keeping our music secret. My co-worker said, "We are so bad."


  1. Ah the fun workings of a quiet rebellion! It's always fun to feel like you are getting away with something! :) Enjoy the music! I expect to hear some "oldies" from you soon!

  2. Golden and her wild rebellious streak. :)

  3. Golden, what is it with you and bad bosses? Are you cursed?

  4. I must be cursed. It's probably because I put up with it and most people wouldn't.

    The positives of my boss are: he tells me that I am doing a good job, I can come and leave as I please, and he pays well and gives bonuses.

  5. I inherited a CD/radio/clock at my new office...and trust me, it is awesome...for times like this week when my DM was out of the office for 3 full days! I have even brought in some of my Christian CD's a few times...

  6. Anonymous10:10 PM

    If he is really anal, this will really mess with his mind:

    Move all the office furniture just an inch each day...not enough to look like a move, but it is a move just the same. Put the wall pictures slightly askew on one side one day and then switch the angle the next day. This truly messes with an anal person's mind.

  7. Yeah, that would screw Dust--I mean me--up.

  8. Magrelo calls background music his "soundtrack for life". I just want it to be quiet at dinner time, and he has to have music, or some other noise for his soundtrack.

  9. Magrelo calls background music his "soundtrack for life". I just want it to be quiet at dinner time, and he has to have music, or some other noise for his soundtrack.

  10. ...and michael bolton is his theme.

  11. Taz, I have moved my boss's desk pad before to see if he would move it back. He keeps the pad edge lined up to the desk edge. I moved it an inch forward. He moved it back. : )

    Peter on the Family Guy had a soundtrack to his life on one episode.
