Sunday, January 01, 2006

my shopping spree

My Christmas money had been burning a hole in my pocket all week. I never had the chance to go to any stores by myself. I like to shop alone. It makes me nervous to have someone go along with me to shop for clothes. I feel bad that someone would have to wait on me.

I was so excited to go to Target! Target has been my favorite store for awhile now. Here is a list of what I bought for under $100. Fuchsia colored soft gloves with matching hat and scarf($9.98), cool looking black tennis shoes($11.48), black oxford type dress shoes(11.48), periwinkle blue purse with a colorful striped inside lining($3.74), black cloth purse ($3.74), 4 pack of colored socks ($3.99), maternity blue jeans ($27.99), lavender and light blue striped dress shirt ($16.99). (taxes $6.73) total of $96.12.

I debated on whether or not to buy the maternity blue jeans. They were my size and my size is hard to find. Also, all of my jeans are getting uncomfortably tight on me now. The jeans are too big in the waist to wear right now but I am sure that I will grow into them soon. I am really frustrated on what to do in the meantime.

I love getting Christmas money because I can be selfish with that money. I hardly ever buy myself anything throughout the year, so I can justify splurging this one time. I consider it free money that never existed to be applied to our budget.


  1. cool spree! I like Target too. Glad to have you back :)!!!

    Hope you had fun with family this week.

  2. You are RIGHT on that one! Glad you got to shop! And, Tar-jay is one of my favorite places too! You will be glad you got the maternity jeans!!! In the meantime wear anything elastic-banded you can raise above your!

  3. did someone say shopping spree? Rock-on sister...

  4. I have absolutely nothing to comment on this topic - but I will be posting every day for the next week as part of my blogging vow!!

    ... then again hot pink gloves sound cool. I bet you didn't think I knew what fuchsia was!

  5. That is the way I feel about christmas money- it burns a hole in my pocket until I spend every last little cent.
    So much fun!
