Thursday, September 15, 2005

Will and Grace, Dust and Golden?

Yes, I watch Will and Grace. If you think less of me because I watch it, I am sorry. I think the show is hilarious. All the characters have extreme personalities. Sometimes Will reminds me of Dust (not the gay part) and sometimes Grace reminds me of myself. Dust and I don't bicker like they do, but some of their conversations sound familiar. I am the sloppy messy one like Grace. Dust complains about smells, toothpaste all over the cap, and some dishes in the sink similar to Will. Also, Will can be a little uptight sometimes like Dust. Grace is lazy and I am embarrassed to admit that I am too. She always talks about things and never does them, which I have the same problem.

Dust and I have inside jokes about Will and Grace. We like to quote some of the lines. Example: "Oh, he thinks we do things." (Regarding Grace says she is going to do something but doesn't)

The funny thing is that noone can really understand my true messiness unless you live with me. I always have the house clean for company, so some people don't believe that I could be dirty. Hence my problem of displaying one persona when actually I am another.

Dust thinks that maybe a better comparison to us would be the Odd Couple. I have never watched an episode, but maybe I should. Apparently, Dust used to watch the show all the time.

For those of you who watch Will and Grace, I bet you won't watch it again without thinking of us.


  1. Funny show and if I can quote Vernal "hi-larious."

    I will keep you two in mind, next time.

  2. ... so that would make Dust the "Felix" charachter on The Odd Couple. Felix was played by Tony Randall - who by the way, was also gay. hmmmmmm?

  3. I think the pot just called the kettle black. :)

  4. I'm most definately not the neat freak in our house. Oscar would have loved me.

    Then again, this isn't quite turning out like the zippy comback I was trying for .. oh well.

  5. I don't watch many sitcoms. The last one I watched was Friends and the last couple seasons of it I hit and missed. I catch a show here and there usually reruns. When I've watched W and G they were funny.

  6. It's so nice to know that we can come out of the closet about our love for Will and Grace. It is SO funny. Our favorite line comes from when Jack was interviewing replacements for Karen. She busts into his apartment and tell the girl interviewing "Back off, that's my fruity booty!" It made us laugh.

  7. It's so nice to know that we can come out of the closet about our love for Will and Grace. It is SO funny. Our favorite line comes from when Jack was interviewing replacements for Karen. She busts into his apartment and tell the girl interviewing "Back off, that's my fruity booty!" It made us laugh.
