Monday, September 12, 2005

weekend review

  • Went to the Old Settler's Days in Olathe--very crowded. Had my second bag of kettle corn for the week. Enjoyed being with friends.
  • Saw the 10 pm showing of Fantastic Four. Awesome movie!
  • Caught up on the two episodes of Lost that I missed.
  • Arrived at worship nite and left about 10 minutes later. Worship was over and the volleyball began.
  • Watched the movie "Racing Stripes." Cute movie and it has stirred my interests in zebras.
  • Great Sunday School class. The sermon..not so great.
  • Enjoyed an afternoon of girl time with friends. Ate, laughed, and cried. Played Rack-O.
  • Ate KFC and played Outburst! I am not much of an outburst type of person. very slow.
  • Had trouble sleeping. Dust was awake at 2:45 am. I woke to his tv show Red Dwarf. Took an aspirin. 6 am--woke up to a loud noise--it was the cat's automatic water bowl out of water. I pulled the plug.


  1. Aren't you quiet the socialite! Sounds like you had lots of fun. I use to go to the Old Settlers in our home town in Indiana. It always amazed me how many people show up to these things!

    There was usually someone in my famly singing during the gospel time. My mom and sisters, or my sister and her husband's family. I even sang one year with my mom and sisters there! That was a very rare occasion.

    My favorite thing to do at our old settlers was swing on the giant swing and talk to people that walked by that I knew. It was usually a cousin I hadn't seen in years or someone who graduated with my sisters that knew me from the bus as "little T all grown up!"

    I went one time when we moved just wasn't the same, enjoyed the gospel sing, but the people that I knew were all old now. How'd that happen!?

  2. That is funny you left elevatepm after 10 minutes when worship was over and volleyball began.

    Funny comment on the sermon. My sister told me she gave him a good talking to about his little dancing comment he made. We didn't go to evening service.

  3. I thought the speaker's comments would probably play better in the first service than in the second.

    Also, about the 2:45 AM thing, I work best if I just sit down and do things without interruption, so I worked on the Survivor Fantasy site until about 2AM. After completing that, I figured I needed to do something to make me tired, thus I watched Red Dwarf. I am usually in bed by 1 AM on Sunday night otherwise. :)

  4. so .... ummm are you saying that the Survivor site is "ready"?????

  5. Not yet. :)

    It will be. I have to change some code behind the scenes. After I do this, it should speed up the setup process quite a bit for future Survivor seasons.

  6. I am glad you had a chance to get together for "girl time"! It's always good to laugh until you cry!! =D Sounds like it was a busy weekend for you....but I sure enjoyed my 2 naps again! LOL!

  7. Hey Golden!

    Tell Dust this comment is for his blog...I couldn't post to his even with the word verification, which has never been a problem!

    Boy, do I have stories for you of how much "guilt" I felt when doing something that wasn't in the "rule book"...even as a college student. Or that I couldn't do something because I hadn't asked permission.

    Then I married into a family where the father told me that his philosophy was: "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission."


  8. I am trying to figure out how I am going to watch survivor and Alias at the same time as we the kids their bath and put them to bed. How much does a vcr go for these days. I could tape both shows at the same time.

    And please don't rub it in you DVR people.

  9. Forrest,
    I think a VCR costs around $30-$40. It may be cheaper now. Dust and I have two VCR's just in case. We will probably tape both shows and you could always borrow it if you need to.

  10. ummm ... technically, it's a "PVR" - so I can rub that in right???

    Step 1. Find Survivor on the Guide ... thursday at 7pm, Press "Select", then "Record"

    Step 2. Select "Record all Episodes on this Channel".

    Step 3. Observe another moment of whimsical silence for our dear deprted VCR.

    (Bonus Step) Set recording for an additional program during the same timeslot. Then giggle

  11. Step 5. Vernal and Forrest come over to Dash and T's house every Friday night to catch up on missed shows.
