Monday, September 05, 2005

Silver Dollar City

Sunset made an appearance at Silver Dollar City on Sunday. She just had to look into the hole because it said do not look in this hole. The picture inside was lame--a mountain man.

The food and the smells of S.D.C. is what brings me back every year. Cedar chips, kettle corn, big chocolate chip cookies, frozen lemonade, funnel cakes, and skillet griddles. The rides are fun too. The Wildfire roller coaster makes me dizzy. I always have trouble walking straight after getting off that ride. The grandfather's mansion is a classic that I have to do every visit. On the fire-in-the hole, I love quoting the lines, "Come in here and put on your pants." Dust and I got drenched on fire-in-the hole! That is supposed to be a tame ride with little water. My brother and his new girlfriend, and Dust were being party poopers and wouldn't get on any water rides. I wanted to experience it all! So my parents and I rode the American Plunge! We all got soaked on that one, also. Thunderation was a great roller coaster to get dried off on. We did start off the day at the Wilderness Church for Sunday morning service. We sang this little light of mine, and we all had to do the actions! There was on old song called Beulah Land that I did not know. Overall, it was a neat experience. Once I had my bag of kettle corn I was ready to leave.


  1. I think Golden (and Sunset) enjoy intangibles about going to SDC. Those are intangibles I don't always understand.

    I am the one who thinks handing around one or two rides and ignoring most of the other stuff is a good idea. :)

  2. glad you had a good time. I would have been with you on the water ride! sdc is awesome in the winter! My fave time to go!

  3. My memory of the little peep hole was an old toothless woman grinning out from behind grungy spectacles.

    I wonder how often the picture changes. Then again, maybe it's programmed to select an image based on the person looking in the hole.

    I wonder what T would see ... she likes mountain men - maybe a trekkie.

  4. Golden, I think you described all the things that I love about silver dollar city.

  5. Dash, I remember the toothless woman with glasses also. They must think that mainly men look into the hole. This mountain man picture is fairly new, I think.

    Dash, Do you remember the wooden picture of a woman in the bathtub? There was a handle to pull down to make you think you would see her naked. When you pull the handle, it showed two bald men sitting at a table and she was a waitress. I think it was close to the peep hole.

  6. I do remember that .... and it's a good example of the type of humor you find at "The City". They'll lead you half-way through a pretty obvious double entendre then make the punch line something about a cow or mollasses.

    Speaking of molasses, when are we going to lamberts?

    oh ... and I have to call it "The City" 'acuse that's what all the cool people that work there call it.

  7. Cool people work at "The City"?
