Thursday, June 16, 2005

I love your hair

I was encouraged or rather given the assignment to do my creative writing on the line, "I love your hair."

This line means several things to me. One, it is usually an ice breaker for the beginning of small talk. I will let you guys know right now that I tend to hate small talk. I know it is essential in getting to know someone, so I can't dismiss small talk altogether. It does help when you have the awkward silences with people in the elevator. I know I have used the line also with people that I didn't know so well. It can be an encouraging word to make someone's day!

I know we all told Roaming that we loved her new haircut. Those were all genuine compliments because the style looked good on her.

Two, the problem I have with the line, "I love your hair," is that in the past it has been said to me by people that are usually consumed with their looks. It reminds me of something a valley girl would say in the movie Clueless. I know I shouldn't label this line as shallow. I have received genuine compliments from people using that line. I realize now that I can't tell someone's motivation behind saying, "I love your hair." I am probably analyzing this simple statement too much. I have been around Dust too long. : )


  1. It never fails that when I hate my hair the most is when this statement is quoted to me. I think that's why I don't like it as much. I don't use it as an icebreaker, but I am not good with small talk and haven't ever thought ahead enough to have some ice breakers in mind. Maybe that's something I could start sometime!

  2. If you think you have been around Dust too long...just wait...LOL!

  3. When I shave my hair off and go shiny, the wierdest compliment I get is "you have a good-shaped head for that..." Like Mr. Dust - I am then left speechless.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    People always have better hair than me!

  5. I didn't mean by blogging about my hair to get so many of those lines. It was pleasant to hear, but then I eventually felt self conscious. I suppose that's the thing about compliments in general...they make us self conscious and sometimes awkward.
