Wednesday, May 11, 2005

college friends

Last night, my husband's college roommate came over for a visit. I hadn't seen him in almost 5 years. He was pretty much the same person except for one detail. He had a ponytail which he took out so I could see his long hair. In college he had the typical clean-cut short hair. Quite a change! Hi! if you're reading this J. Hey J, I bet you could get a role playing Jesus in a church play.

He told stories about driving around the mountains in CA and CO. Apparently he loves to do that sort of thing. I don't see the fun in just driving up mountains to see how far you can go. He attempted driving a road that was not meant for public use and got stuck. Trying to find help in a deserted area was difficult. Everything worked out ok for him though.

It is nice to see friends from college again. I think for the most part people stay the same except for minor details like long hair for instance.


  1. I completely agree, Sunrise! It is always fun to catch up with old friends. My college friends are the closest to me, maybe because we have known them the longest as "adults"...LOL! And, it's always nice to meet new friends with the college connection, like yourself! =D Who would have thought one of my good friends from college would be your RD?! (wait...that makes me really old,!)

  2. Gotta love those friends you can just pick up where you left off! I heard someone recently say you stay pretty much the same-ish's the part I can't remember - did they say 40 something or 50 something that you really change in appearance. I'm hoping 50!

  3. Visits from old friends have a way of being either very comforting, or very shocking. Glad it worked out ok for you and your husband meeting his old friend!
