Thursday, May 19, 2005

A chapter closed

Last night I had to tell the girls in the program that I teach at church that I wouldn't be their teacher anymore. I was really nervous about it. When I told them that they would be getting a new teacher in June after promotions some of them said, "But you can't leave Golden." It was really sweet and a lot them gave me hugs.

Stars is a three year program for 3rd-5th grade girls. I have the honor of crowning two of the girls next Wednesday night. I have had one of the girls in my class for all three years. I am very proud of her and it has been neat watching her grow up. The other girl I have had in class for maybe one year. She finished the program in record time! I am very proud of her also.

I decided to resign as sponsor for many reasons. First of all, I have peace from God that this is what I needed to do. I had been having trouble maintaining control of the classroom. I felt defeated every Wednesday night and came home a nervous wreck. I cried and usually could not go to sleep those nights. A lot of this had to do with the fact that they couldn't find anyone to help me. I had to take roll, teach a lesson, do crafts, help girls with worksheets, and listen to the 15 of them say their memory verses/honor steps. Talk about a handful! It could have also been a classic case of burn out.

I want to believe that I have made a difference in the lives of the girls. I look back to see if I have let God shine through me and that my words have been His words. I haven't been perfect, but noone can be. I am closing this chapter of my life and look forward to what God has for me in the future. As my last act as sponsor, I will be sewing many badges on sashes this weekend. Guess what Mr. Sunrise will be doing this weekend also!


  1. I am very proud of you being so wise to take the time for careful consideration of your decision. When any type of "ministry" becomes "work", then one's passion for the ministry becomes weakened. Take one step at a time...and listen for His direction. God is very honored with you making this decision (despite the sadness). He sees a "faithful and good servant" who values her well-being and sees your pure heart-motives. I believe He is smiling and saying, "my little girl is growing up and just took a big step"!

  2. As a parent to one of these young and impressionable girls, I can tell you that you have most definately made an impact in her life.

    You do let God shine through and as you pointed out, to do it all without help is a difficult task.

    I hope and pray that who ever fills this role will live a life that my daughter can look up to and respect as much as she does with you. Thanks for making a difference.

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    My Stars coordinators impacted a great deal of my younger years. I'm glad you've had the chance to touch the lives of the girls.

    Now I'm glad you're getting a chance now to slow down and get a break!
