Friday, April 29, 2005

people watching

I am going to be one of those little old ladies that you see spying from beneath the blinds someday. I know this because I have already started that habit. Am i just naturally nosey, or is it my obsessive compulsive disorder kicking in, or maybe a little of both? I am constantly looking out the window or peeping through the blinds to see what's going on with the neighbors. I enlighten Mr. Sunrise on the events of what went on around the neighborhood. "So and so mowed their lawn today." He wonders where I get the time to do all this spying. He always asks me, "Now how long did you work today?" "There is a huge motor home in the driveway across the street, " I say. Mr. Sunrise replies with a "that's nice, or why do we care, again?"

There is an older retired man that lives caddy-corner from us. He is always pacing up and down the sidewalk leading to his driveway. Every time I look out the window he is there walking up and down, up and down. Whenever I leave my house or come back home, I drive by his house and there he is. It is starting to creep me out a bit. He doesn't look dangerous. I guess I don't like the fact that maybe he is just spying on me too.


  1. I think spying on your neighbors is normal, but what seperates us from "the little old lady" is to not get caught spying. When you lose your ability to be stealth, the you will become that nosy neighbor.

  2. I have a neighbor who not only watches...but shares...with everyone her theories on what she sees. I consider her a "friend" in the sense that we are friendly. If for no other reason I try not to be the latest story she's sharing!

  3. Those kinds of habits die! (and creep others out too when they see YOU watching) 8-)

  4. I have a habit of spying from the car. Roaming and I like to cruise the ritzy neighborhoods at night and look into houses with their curtains drawn back and light all on. It's almost as if they are inviting it, so we oblige. Although, I've never shared Roaming's penchant for slipping out of the car and tip-toeing up to the window for a long "look-see"....
