Friday, April 15, 2005

Being fake and being real

Reading Dirt Road's blog has reminded me to keep it real. I should be happy with who I am and not try to be someone that I'm not. It is too much work to put on a fake show for people. I am naturally a lazy person so it would be easier to just be myself. For once in my life I am comfortable and secure with who I am. I still sometimes struggle with worrying about what other people think of me though.

When you grow up in the church, you learn that there is a certain image you need to portray. Someone can become a master at being something that they are not. I think that can be a reason why you run into some fake people in the church. As Christians, we are the ones that need to be real to other people. Non-christians can detect fakeness in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how you can fall into the trap of fake vs real isn't. You're are so right that non-christians can detect fakeness in a heartbeat. I know that I am inspired as a Christian to bring my "realness" closer to the image that is so often projected as fake. Not to be fake, but to really take time to let the fruit of the Spirit work in my life in such a way that what I am "supose to be" and what I am are one in the same. That's not always an easy task to achieve, good thing "God's still working on me!" (Do you remember that song?--I use to sing it in church, it was like my only solo as a child!)
